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Full 899 exemptions
male and female dresses are the main business in this shop. Fashion style, and accessories, All the museums were in kind shot, Quality assurance, Please be assured of buying
The merchant stores have new products updated every day. Please choose a house match if the quantity of clothes is over 5 kg
Generally after order 2 3 days shipment to Shenzhen Canton, 7 14 days arrival, Does not accept urgent single passenger
Purchase of goods Five stars praise + Commodities in real form, Talk about the screening for the editor, You can get 20 yuan for shopping.
The shipment volume of this store is large, There may be some careless little mistakes occasionally, Excuse me, We'll try our best to give you a handle. If you have any problems or good advice or inadequacies, You can contact us directly for our customer service, The latest Japanese Korean sum, Models are many, High quality, Prices are low.
The cowboy products in the store are basically not open buttoned, Please confirm that you need to open the button again after you receive the goods. Please be careful.
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