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Getting out of the merchandise

All stores are available . the mainland sends out the order within 48 hours , If it is faster , update logistics around 3 days , Delivery is normal 5-8 days .

Different from the display because of the lighting , may be different from the color of the picture , Please refer to the object in kind .

Detailed information about the slick can be contacted for customer service inquiries . Customer Service Online Time 08 : 00-19 : 00.

If you have good advice or insufficient , you can contact the customer service directly . We accept the suggestion in good faith or correct the mistake . Thank you for your understanding and support .

The seller of the merchant 's order is here . , The problem of oversubscribed items . You are welcome to contact your customer at any time . )

Packaging produces sizes long width adds up to more than 150 cm of treasure . Recommends batching small benchmarks , Don 't go down in a parcel .

The first piece of parcel is 0.5 kg . More than 0.5 kg at 30 TPT per kg oh , Single orders cannot exceed 5 kg . Over and above the batchable bid oh .

Thank you for your support of the vendors . Your satisfaction is our greatest pursuit .
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