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😀 【Sanmao Flagship Store】 😀
Welcome to the shop.!
All the family doors 【$299 exempt】 Collect the voucher in advance. Order
https: / / xiapi. xiapibuy. com / m / everydayfss? smtt = 201.40578
Please use "chat " with the list to ask if there is any other size in the library
Rich in artificial cost of 299 yuan before shipment oh.
Different screen resolution of personal mobile phone, the color difference is reasonable. Thank you for your understanding
😄 【On commodities】
The goods in our store are carefully inspected and presented to you in the most perfect manner
But due to the force majeure factor in production, there is no guarantee that every item will be perfect
😄 【On logistics】
Getting mercy in three days is a normal 2 4 day star. It will be about 8 15 days
We can't cancel orders after shipment.
【Due to overseas shipment, logistics may be delayed, please understand】
😄 【Concerning return of goods】
1 If there is any problem with the commodity after receipt, please chat in person first, never communicate with evaluation.
2 If replacement is required, please inform us before the order is completed, roundtrip freight is self financing, return the suspension and packaging in good condition, so please check if there is any problem before removing the suspension card after receiving it, in order not to affect the exchange.
Changes & Pre purchased goods cannot be replaced
If you have any questions after receipt, you can chat about the private information.
Please do not jump in the criticism of the merchant.
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